We’ve Got a Secret… Shhh. You Shouldn’t Lead with Product Features


So you’ve spent time creating the best product on the market, it has everything your customers want, and now it’s time to get out there and sell it. Naturally, you want to create content and shout to the world about the product’s amazing features.

It makes sense. Product features are tangible, quantifiable, and create value for your customers—that’s what they want … isn’t it?

Not exactly.

Customers are tricky, and communicating with them effectively can make or break your brand, so you have to be careful. Don’t fall for the trap of touting all the features of your product.

Here’s why leading with product features isn’t the best strategy.

No One Likes a Salesy Sales Person

Nobody likes to feel like they’re being sold to. Great marketing creates a buyer experience and leaves the selling out. Consumers want to feel like they’re learning something new and about something that will ultimately benefit them. The way you frame your product to a consumer can result in major success, so pay attention to the way you approach this. Don’t be too sales-focused.

It’s All About First Impressions

Be confident in who you are as a brand. We want the customer to be sold on your brand and what you stand for, and then the product can sell itself.

Your brand is your identity, your product is what you are selling. Let these two things be separate, let your brand pull in customers to buy your product, and you will have long-lasting loyal customers.

Features Don’t Always Communicate Benefits

Presenting your product’s benefits make the customer realize why your product is right for them and helps answer the question, ‘What’s in it for me?’

Highlighting features can end up making the customer more confused and having to google what other products are out there and what they offer, comparing the two product’s features.

Presenting your product’s benefits as a solution to the consumer’s problem will go a much longer way than shouting out features and details about your product. You will eventually get to tell them all about it, but think of the consumer experience first. Let them learn about the brand and the product benefits and THEN your product features will have their time to shine. 

No One Likes a Boring Story

Features can sound like a list of facts. Consumers want to know more about you. Tell them your story.

Think about a Coca-Cola advertisement. It’s usually summer, everyone is outside, socializing and having fun. Coca-Cola is always promoting a feeling of happiness, bright colors, and being with friends. Because of great branding and marketing, all of these things are then associated with a carbonated drink. Coca-cola leads with a story and then focuses on product benefits like the drink being refreshing, tasting great, and connecting you with others. It leaves a positive image and a story in consumers minds.

Go Forth, Young Grasshopper

If there’s one piece of advice we can give it’s this: Lead with your brand, your story, and what problems you’re going to solve for your customers and the sales will follow.

Give your customers something to say about your brand, your story, and what you’re doing. It will create lasting impact and interest and will have consumers boasting about your company to everyone.

See Also:

Are You a Business Owner Who Focuses on the Buyer or the User?

Everything an Executive Needs to Know About Branding but Was Too Afraid to Ask

What’s a Value Ladder and Why Does it Matter?

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