How to Empower Your Team to Solve Problems Without You

Don’t get caught in the trap of believing being a great leader means you’ve have do it all. Oh contraire. Actually, some of the best leaders know when to hold ‘em, and know when to fold ‘em, figuratively of course. That means they know when to step back and let the team take on more responsibility.

The good news is when you empower your team to problem solve on their own, you not only help them level up their skills, you free up your own time to focus on the bigger picture. But don’t worry. If you’ve been snared in the web of solving every little problem for everyone, there’s hope. You CAN shift gears and cultivate a culture of self-sufficient problem-solvers. Keep reading for more.

Fold the Umbrella: Shift Your Mindset

If you have fallen into the trap of shielding your team from all the challenges, you may need to put down the umbrella, friend. Though your motives are well-intentioned, this strategy only stifles the growth of your team. A better plan is to think of your role as the rain poncho distributor. This allows you to equip your team to deal with storms themselves instead of hovering over them, protecting them from the rain. You might even ask yourself exactly what you’re protecting them from and why you feel the need to do it. Face those fears and get busy empowering your crew.

Your Team Is Capable: Assume It’s True (Because It Is)

Here is some homework. The next time a problem crosses your desk, tamp down on the urge to solve it yourself. Try asking your team questions instead, like “What are our options here?” This encourages critical thinking and creativity and, perhaps more importantly, shows you trust in their abilities. The reality is most people know more than they think they do. They need to be given the space to find the solutions on their own.

Short-Term Missteps Don’t Mean Failure

Let’s redefine success, shall we? Making mistakes doesn’t equate to failure. It equates to an opportunity to learn and grow. By letting your team take some risks and, yes, stumble on occasion, you’ll reap rewards in the long run. The key is to focus on learning from mistakes rather than avoiding them. Make your team feel safe and supported to experiment and grow.

Be a Coach, Not a Helicopter Mom

Doing everything for your team doesn’t serve anyone. Your role as a leader should evolve as your responsibilities grow. Which means you solving every problem is no longer valuable, it’s a hindrance. Instead, step into the role of coach and help your team take home the win. Clarify those high priority decisions and teach them what success looks like, then step back and let them do their thing. This frees up more of YOUR time to focus on strategy.

Context and Tools Matter

Of course, not everything is about shifting your mindset. It’s critical to provide practical information and tools, too. Maybe it’s sharing industry insights, maybe it’s closing a knowledge gap. Perhaps it’s pointing them to the right person to talk to. Sometimes, if there are challenges that require deep knowledge of the organization, investing in creating resources and training for future use is the name of the game. Ultimately, your big job is to help your team succeed in their jobs.

Show Off Resilience and Optimism

Just like in your home, in the office, your reactions will set the tone for everyone, especially when things go sideways. Model resilience and a good attitude, skip the blame game and focus on finding solutions. This helps show your team that setbacks aren’t the end, they’re merely part of the process. Using retrospectives can help nurture accountability without fear and help everyone learn and grow from challenges.

Foster a Culture of Growth, Not Fear

A strong growth culture is where personal empowerment can thrive. Teach your crew to be curious instead of fearful when challenges arise. Nix any guesswork by always communicating assumptions and expectations as clearly as you can. In time, you’ll build a team that is confident, creative, and willing to tackle tough challenges fearlessly.

Stronger Leaders Mean Stronger Teams

Remember that being a leader that empowers instead of handholds isn’t about you doing “less”. It’s about you doing “different”. Support, don’t protect. Focus on creating a capable, collaborative, confident team that thrives because when they succeed, so do you. TLDR: Fold up the umbrella, pass out those ponchos, and smile as you watch your team blossom. Honestly, you’ll probably wonder why you didn’t do it sooner!


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