In July 2017, Facebook dropped the gauntlet on thousands of advertisers to not just tweak their advertisements, but also the landing page your audience is sent to after the link has been clicked within your ad. Here’s a quick rundown of what you need to know before launching your next Facebook ad campaign.
Income Claims
It’s best to be clear on your earnings and not be wishy washy when it comes to the timeline in which you earned your cash flow.
Green light: “I made $X” —This is giving the viewer clarity
Red light: “I made $X last year” — This becomes unrealistic with a time cap
Red light: “I helped students/clients/customers make $X” — This is framed too closely around the “I will make you money approach.”
To cover your butt on your products, service, course or program, you want to ensure that you have the proper disclaimers in place.
The phrase “results may vary” on the footers of your landing pages are a good idea.
Here’s a good (Not a lawyer, nor does this constitute legal advice) example of language you could use: This is more on the StellaPop voice, but there are a ton of examples out there that are more fun or more buttoned-up than the example below. This example would be on the bottom of a landing page advertising a course/program/presentation that helped generate success (in dollar amounts) for a client.
Please don’t interpret any of this presentation as some sort of promise or implication of your future earnings. Results aren’t typical. We’ve been at this for about 17 years, and naturally have a bit of an advantage as a result. The average person who buys any business course rarely gets any results at all. Kind of like how the average person who buys home exercise equipment rarely ends up looking like the person on all the commercials. You have to put in the work and risk to glean results.
If your landing page is for a free training or webinar, be sure that the Facebook ad and landing page states that an offer will be made at the end.
Here’s an example:
At the end of the training, I’ll be making an offer for people who want to work more closely with me and my team to get help with implementing what they learn on the training and more.
This is completely optional. The training last about 60 minutes and if you don’t want to work more closely with me, you can leave without buying anything.
The training will be holding NOTHING back and you’ll be able to implement what you learn right away on your own.
Always go with clarity…be straight-forward with what you’re offering and what people should expect next. Refrain from using clickbait language and headlines.
Avoid phrases like:
“You won’t believe what happens next…”
“With this one weird trick…”
“This will restore your faith in humanity”
This is a new policy, don’t bold or cap words like “free” on ad posts or landing page (don’t need to make obvious things more obvious according to Facebook).
Strike System
Just like in baseball you only have so many strikes before well… you’re out. The same goes for Facebook ad violations. It’s important to read over the Facebook ad policies document in its entirety before crafting up your social media marketing campaign.
Facebook is a lot like Big Brother, they’re always watching and tracking. It’s important to note that your performance is not affected by strikes, but rather how many people “X” your ad, meaning they hide your ad or report it.
Need a second pair of eyes to look over your most recent ads and landing pages? We’re happy to assist you!